Sparkle up her Mother's Day with Teleflora's Sparkling Delight Bouquet, featuring a breathtaking bouquet of roses, lilies, and lavender accents elegantly presented in a sculpted glass vase with a lavender mercury-inspired finish.
Show your love in a beautiful way - with fresh flowers! This stunning arrangement is the perfect surprise for your special someone. Brighten their day with our Love & Romance Special! Made for those romantic moments and designed by our expert florists, this bouquet is sure to impress!
Large Pedestal Vase , Greens: Silver Dollar Eucalyptus , Israeli Ruscus , Flowers: Red Roses , White Waxflower.
Take the romance to another level with Two Dozen Red Roses! This grand bouquet is overflowing with those gorgeous traditional flowers that everyone loves. You'll have them spinning head over heels when you send this beautiful arrangement!
Intoxicating in its natural beauty, this wildly chic bouquet of pale peach roses and midnight purple hydrangea, arranged in a stylish white ceramic cylinder, is a breathtaking arrangement for any and all occasions.
The bundle includes an assorted small stuffed animal, 4 helium balloons (1 foil, 3 latex), 1 small box of chocolates, and an arrangement designed in one of our specialty keepsake containers! If you have any special requests please leave them in the additional info box on checkout, and we'll do our best!
Tapered Glass Vase, Foliage: Aspidistra Leaves, Leather Leaf, Baby Blue Eucalyptus, Roses, Assorted Colors, (Shown: Yellow, Peach, Variegated Yellow Roses, Light Pink, Medium Pink, Hot Pink Roses), Blupleurum, Caspia, Medium Pink Ribbon.
Share the colors of the rainbow with this stunning bouquet! With gorgeous yellow, peach, red, and pink roses, Rainbow of Roses is a rose lover's dream come true. Send this stylish arrangement and show your love with roses! It's sure to make them smile and brighten their day!
Brighten their day with the magic that only a rainbow can bring! Bursting with blooms, this colorful gift is carefully arranged in a frosted, matte glass jar for a modern look.
Nothing says elegance more than cream roses! The stunning cream roses contrast stunningly with the greenery, making Captivating Cream Roses full of timeless beauty. Perfect for any occasion, this bud vase will have them smiling all day long!
Gift mom the artisanal charm she loves with our Teleflora's Sweetest Flutter glazed ceramic pitcher, adorned with embossed butterfly detail and a natural base, perfect for year-round use and sure to add a touch of elegance to any table setting.
Honor the beauty of true love with this vibrant Valentine's Day bouquet of red roses, beautifully arranged in pearlescent glass vase with an eye-catching swirling design.
MOUNT PEARL FLORIST in Mount Pearl has gifts and flowers perfect for any anniversary, whether it is your first or your 50th. Anniversary flowers are always a great way to remind that special someone how much you care. Does your significant other seem to have everything? Let us share some anniversary gift ideas with you. Roses are a classic way to say "I Love You" on your anniversary, while a custom floral arrangement always makes a perfect surprise. We can also design a gift basket with your special someone in mind. Gourmet snacks, fun jewelry and accessories, luxury bath products, or stuffed animals are a great way to show your affection. Top off your unique anniversary gift with a balloon bouquet that is sure to add a smile. Browse our sample selection of floral arrangements specially designed with your anniversary in mind. Whether you want a more traditional gift this year or one that is a little more unique, we'd be happy to take care of all your anniversary needs!